Butere Diocese KAMA Chair Ambunya Encourages men to join Gospel Ministry.


The Butere diocesan Kenya Anglican Men Association chairman Patrick Ambunya has urged the Anglican men congregants to join the association to assist in spreading the word of God.

Ambunya stated the need for the Anglican men to experience God through his ministry asking them to stand out for Christ.

Addressing a KAMA rally at St. Johns’ ACK parish Khwisero, the chairman noted with concerns the low number of men in gospel ministry compared to their female counterparts.

“I urge my fellow men to join us in the ministry. God created us with a mission to multiply and we aim to multiply by getting more souls to Christ Jesus. We are guided by our diocesan vision and mission of proclaiming, renewing and discipling as we spread the love to the world”, urged Ambunya.

Ambunya noted that they also aim to increase more souls to Christ by reaching the non-believers as they spread the gospel.

“We are also expecting the launch of Kenya Anglican Men Fellowship at the tail end of this year, and this will also be another platform for Kenya Anglican church men to fellowship”, revealed Ambunya.

In addition, the chairman said plans are underway to identify needy students from different parishes of the Anglican church who will be supported in fee payment to complete their secondary school education.

His sentiments were echoed by Rt. Rev. Rose Okeno who challenged men to implore prayers as a tool that will enhance strong family ties.

Bishop Rose said routine prayer will strengthen the family union and become a forum to understand the needs of every member.

“Men must start leading family prayer sessions in their families. With prayers we shall build love as we create a training ground for worship”, advised bishop Rose.

Today’s rally was attended by over 150 members drawn from the deaneries of Khwisero and Namasoli. The third and final KAMA rally this year will be on June 11, 2024, at ACK Inaya parish.

Butere ACK bishop Rose Okeno arrives at ACK St. John’s parish during the KAMA rally on June 7, 2024.