Bishop Rose Okeno urges Christians to be stewards of land.


The ACK diocese of Butere bishop Rose Okeno has urged christians to make use of available land to cultivate and produce enough food for their families.

Bishop Rose said christians have a big role to play in food production as they aim to be good stewards of the land for future generations.

Speaking at ACK Emulunya parish in Khwisero constituency, the bishop reiterated the need for christians to capitalize on the good climatic conditions favorable for agriculture in western region of Kenya to practice agriculture.

“Our people should utilize the land they have to grow vegetables, cassavas, potatoes and other food stuffs in order to provide for their families”, advised the bishop.

In addition, the bishop praised ACK Emulunya parish congregants for the efforts they have employed in bee keeping project and pig rearing while challenging other churches to initiate agricultural projects for sustainability.

Bishop Rose accompanied by the diocesan administrative secretary Rev. Canon Silas Hopilo, was speaking when she toured the parish’s land immediately after leading Diocesan clergy chapter meeting.

The tour was after a bimonthly clergy chapter meeting aimed at reflecting on the steps attained in God’s ministry.

Some of clergy members present were Ven. Canon Peter Andere, Rev. Washington Kataka, Rev. Canon Robert Matati, Ven. Daniel Inyangala, The Very Rev. Moses Omoke among many others.

Meanwhile, the diocesan finance officer Fredrick Okello said they are in the process of reconfirming the actual land boundary of the ACK Emulunya church.

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