
The Synod

The synod holds the highest authority in the diocese, and it operates in alignment with the constitution. Its role encompasses deliberating on all church-related matters, encompassing spiritual discipline, and granting full synodical authority to any act of Synod.

The Standing committee

The Synod appoints this committee to handle pressing matters that arise, which may not necessarily need the Synod’s direct attention. All diocesan boards submit matters to the standing committee for discussion before obtaining the final approval from the Synod.

Diocesan Boards

Board for Mission and Evangelism

The board’s primary focus is to promote and reinforce the proclamation of the historical Biblical Christ as the Savior and Lord across the diocese, encouraging people to have a personal relationship with Him and be reconciled with God. To achieve this, the board takes various initiatives, including organizing Diocesan evangelistic rallies to lead people to Christ. It also arranges seminars to provide the clergy and laity with refresher courses on evangelism, empowering them to reach out to specific groups within the Diocese, such as students, prisoners, hospital patients, and civil servants.

Furthermore, the board ensures that Christians are adequately prepared to fulfill the Great Commission, which involves spreading the message of Christ and His teachings. To keep track of the effectiveness of these efforts, periodic surveys are conducted within the Diocese. These surveys help gauge the impact of evangelism activities and provide valuable insights for improvement and future planning.

Board for Finance

The board advises the Synod and the Standing Committee on all matters concerning finances in the diocese, implements decisions in regard to financial policy made from time to time by the Synod or the Standing Committee, administers the Diocesan accounts and ensures that they are properly kept and up to date. The board plans for the annual audit of the Diocesan accounts and presents the audited accounts for the preceding financial year to the Standing Committee not later than six (6) months after the end of the financial year of the Diocese and submits an annual report on the financial state of the Diocese with the audited accounts to the Provincial Treasurer with a copy to the Church Commissioners for Kenya. The board prepares and submits to the Standing Committee, a budget of income and expenditure for the forthcoming year not later than three (3) months before the end of the financial year and submits copies of the same to the Provincial Board of Finance and to the Church Commissioners of Kenya.  The board reports immediately to the Bishop any suspected irregularity in the finances or business in the diocese and, plans for investigation where necessary. The board also sees to it that regular instructions on the principles of Christian stewardship are given to all members of the Church. The minutes of the meetings of Board of Finance and all statements of account are submitted to the Synod for record and for any necessary action.

Board for Education

Ack Butere firmly believes in the vital role of education in empowering Christians to explore, nurture, and utilize their God-given talents. To support this belief, Ack Butere sponsors a total of 95 learning institutions, which includes 57 primary schools, 33 secondary schools, and 5 polytechnics.

The Board of Education takes responsibility for managing both aided and unaided secondary schools on behalf of the Bishop. They ensure the effective sponsorship of the 95 learning institutions, encouraging local initiatives to improve facilities in ACK-sponsored schools and even establishing new schools where needed. The board provides general guidance to the Education Secretary and Religious Education Adviser, emphasizing the preservation of the Anglican Church of Kenya’s traditions in all sponsored schools.

The board actively seeks ways to support and collaborate with the Education Department in enhancing the standard and quality of education for nation-building purposes. Additionally, they emphasize effective pastoral and spiritual ministry among teachers and students, with a particular focus on PPI (Pastoral and Spiritual Instruction) teaching in primary schools. The board of education is also responsible for preparing the budget for the Diocesan Board of Education, which is then approved by the Board of Finance. Furthermore, they proactively mobilize resources to support the board’s work.

The Board of Pastoral Work takes on the role of overseeing the general pastoral activities within the diocese, ensuring the well-being and spiritual nourishment of Christians. They actively participate in the selection and recommendation of candidates for ordained ministry, carefully assessing and presenting qualified individuals to the Bishop for consideration. The board also promptly informs the Bishop about any irregularities concerning the clergy or congregations, and they receive advance information from the Bishop regarding any disciplinary actions to be taken against clergy or lay individuals in the Diocese.

Additionally, the board provides valuable advice to the Bishop concerning the establishment of new parishes, the amalgamation of existing parishes, or any adjustments to parish boundaries. This enables the diocese to function smoothly and effectively in serving its members and communities.

 Advisory Board

The Board is responsible for formulating essential principles and policies to be followed in the diocese, subject to approval by the Synod or the Standing Committee. It offers general advice to the Diocesan Building Consultant and ensures that Diocesan Building projects, sanctioned by the Synod or the Standing Committee, are effectively executed.

Additionally, the Board plays a vital role in recommending building plans for churches and vicarages, which require approval by the Bishop. As part of its duties, the Board handles various other building-related tasks as requested by the Standing Committee.

Furthermore, the Board has the authority to approve plans for modifications, alterations, extensions, or demolitions of any consecrated building within the diocese. This includes granting approval for the appointment of architects for church buildings, encompassing churches, halls, and vicarages.


Diocesan Appointments Committee

The committee plays a pivotal role in the recruitment and employment processes within the Diocese. It advertises Diocesan posts that are either newly created or declared vacant by the Standing Committee or the Board of Finance. Furthermore, the committee conducts interviews to assess suitable candidates for these positions.

To ensure clarity and effectiveness in job roles, the committee is responsible for drawing up comprehensive job descriptions for Diocesan workers. On behalf of the Standing Committee, the committee extends employment offers to successful applicants.

Additionally, the committee periodically reviews the Terms of Service for Diocesan workers, making necessary adjustments or improvements, all on behalf of the Standing Committee. This helps to maintain fair and up-to-date employment conditions for all Diocesan workers.

 Diocesan Development Committee

The committee focuses on economic matters concerning the overall development of the Diocese. It takes the initiative to conduct pertinent surveys and research within the Diocese, which may lead to the implementation of income-generating projects.

With the approval of the Synod or its Standing Committee, the committee mobilizes and invests resources to support these projects. However, it is essential to note that any resources mobilized can only be utilized with the approval of the Synod, Standing Committee, or the Board of Finance. This ensures responsible and transparent financial management within the Diocese.