
ACK Diocese of Butere extends heartfelt gratitude to each and every one of you for becoming an essential pillar of our church and supporting God’s ministry in Butere. Your unwavering support is deeply appreciated, and it plays a crucial role in furthering our mission. We wholeheartedly welcome your generous donations towards any of the ministries listed below. Your contributions will make a significant impact in empowering and uplifting our community, enabling us to continue serving those in need and spreading God’s love to every corner of Butere.



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Thank you for being a part of our journey and joining hands with us in making a positive difference. Your kindness and commitment help us strengthen our bonds as a loving and supportive church family, and together, we can accomplish great things for the greater good of Butere. Let us continue to work hand in hand, guided by God’s grace, to bring hope and blessings to all.




In the heart of the scenic village of Namasoli, the Anglican Church of Kenya – Diocese of Butere has been a pillar of hope and compassion. At the core of their mission lies the Namasoli Health Centre, a vital facility that has been providing essential healthcare services to the local community. As the demand for healthcare grows, so does the need for the health centre’s expansion and modernization. Today, we call upon compassionate hearts to join hands and support the much-needed upgrade of Namasoli Health Centre, enabling it to continue its mission of empowering lives through quality healthcare.

The Crucial Role of Namasoli Health Centre:

For years, Namasoli Health Centre has been a sanctuary of healing and care for the people of Namasoli and the neighboring regions. Its doors have always been open to welcome patients in need, regardless of their background or financial standing. The health centre has been a source of hope for those seeking medical attention, offering services ranging from primary care to maternal and child health, vaccinations, and health education.

*Sponsored by the Anglican Church of Kenya – Diocese of Butere*

Namasoli Health Centre is proudly sponsored by the Anglican Church of Kenya – Diocese of Butere. The Diocese’s commitment to serving the community and providing accessible healthcare has been commendable. However, as the number of patients seeking assistance increases, the health centre is faced with significant challenges that hinder its ability to meet the growing demand adequately.

Challenges Faced and the Need for Upgrading:

The health centre currently faces various challenges, which include:

Insufficient Infrastructure: The current infrastructure limits the number of patients that can be attended to simultaneously, causing longer wait times and compromising the quality of care.

Outdated Medical Equipment: The lack of modern medical equipment hampers accurate diagnosis and efficient treatment, hindering the health centre’s ability to provide comprehensive care.

Limited Medication and Supplies: The health centre struggles to maintain a sufficient stock of essential medications and medical supplies, leading to occasional shortages and inadequate treatment options.

Our Vision for Upgrading Namasoli Health Centre:

With the support of compassionate individuals and organizations, we envision a transformed Namasoli Health Centre. Our goals for the upgrade include:

Infrastructure Enhancement: Expanding and improving the health centre’s infrastructure to accommodate a larger number of patients and create a more comfortable and efficient environment for both patients and medical staff.

Advanced Medical Equipment: Equipping the health centre with modern medical technologies, enabling accurate diagnostics, efficient treatments, and improved healthcare outcomes.

Well-Stocked Pharmacy: Ensuring a consistently well-stocked pharmacy with essential medications and medical supplies to meet the needs of the community.

Training and Capacity Building: Providing continuous training and capacity building for medical staff to enhance their skills and expertise, elevating the standard of care provided at the health centre.

Your Support Can Make a Difference:

Your support can make a significant difference in the lives of the Namasoli community. By contributing to the upgrade of Namasoli Health Centre, you can directly impact the health and well-being of families, children, and elders in the region. Your generosity will be an investment in creating a healthier and more resilient community.


The Anglican Church of Kenya – Diocese of Butere, along with Namasoli Health Centre, invites you to join us in this noble endeavor. Together, we can uplift and empower lives through accessible and quality healthcare. Your support will leave a lasting legacy of compassion and care, fostering a brighter and healthier future for the people of Namasoli and beyond.

In the tranquil embrace of ACK Diocese of Butere lies a vision to leverage the power of media for positive change. The Diocese recognizes the transformative impact that modern media can have in spreading messages of hope, faith, and unity. To bring this vision to life, we humbly call upon compassionate hearts to support the acquiring of media equipment for the ACK Diocese of Butere. Together, we can amplify the voices of our community and extend our reach to touch lives far and wide.

The Power of Media in Today’s World:

In the digital age, media has become a mighty force in shaping perceptions, inspiring action, and uniting people from diverse backgrounds. The ACK Diocese of Butere envisions using media as a powerful tool to communicate its mission, engage with its members, and foster meaningful connections with the world.

The Need for Media Equipment:

The purchase of media equipment is an urgent necessity for the ACK Diocese of Butere for several essential reasons:

Quality Productions: Upgrading media equipment will enable the Diocese to create high-quality video and audio productions, enhancing the impact of its messages.

Digital Reach: Equipped with modern media gear, the Diocese can extend its digital reach through social media, streaming platforms, and online broadcasts.

Engaging Content: Having access to professional media equipment will enable the creation of engaging content that resonates with the community and beyond.

Versatility: Media equipment will offer the flexibility to adapt to diverse communication needs, including live streaming events, podcasts, and virtual gatherings.

Our Vision for Media Equipment Purchase:

The ACK Diocese of Butere envisions a well-equipped Media Department that can realize its potential as a powerful communication platform. Our vision for the media equipment purchase includes:

Cameras and Accessories: High-definition cameras and essential accessories to capture events, sermons, and engaging video content.

Audio Equipment: Professional audio gear for clear and impactful sound recording during events, interviews, and podcasts.

Editing Software and Hardware: Cutting-edge editing software and hardware to produce polished and compelling media content.

Streaming Equipment: Advanced streaming equipment for live broadcasts, ensuring seamless connectivity with the global audience.

Your Support Can Ignite the Flame of Change:

We firmly believe that empowering the Diocese with modern media equipment can ignite the flame of positive change. Your support can make a tangible difference in realizing this vision. By contributing to the purchase of media equipment, you can directly influence the Diocese’s ability to reach hearts, foster community engagement, and amplify its impact on society.


Anglican Church of Kenya – Diocese of Butere invites you to join hands in this transformative endeavor. Together, we can equip the Diocese with the necessary media tools to spread messages of faith, love, and compassion. Your support will empower the Diocese of Butere to communicate with a wider audience, fostering a sense of belonging and unity among our community.