
ACK Butere Diocesan Administrative Secretary Canon Silas Hopilo hands over donation from church to Butere Boys High School deputy principal Michael Muhati.

The ACK diocese of Butere donated blankets to the students at Butere Boys High School who lost their property after a fire razed down their dormitory on Wednesday evening.

More than 170 students lost their personal belongings including uniforms, textbooks, and revision materials together with their beddings as nothing was salvaged from the wildfire.

Delivering the blankets on behalf of the bishop who is away on other diocesan duties, the Diocesan Administrative secretary encouraged the students to remain strong in their studies as the school plans how to assist them.

“We have only managed thirty blankets for the students. We know it is not enough but we are trusting God that He will open ways for the students to resume normal activities,” said Canon Hopilo.

The Boys’ deputy principal in charge of administration Michael Muhati on behalf of the school principal, extended his appreciation to the church for the nobble contribution noting that they have counselled the boys to continue with a positive mentality as they prepare for the end-term exams.

Also present was the board of management chairperson Dr. Edward Khasakhala who asked other well-wishers to come on board and assist the students.

The fire erupted in the evening during games time and sources indicate that it might have been caused by an electric fault.