
Some of the ACK Butere Diocese Sunday School teachers pose for a photo after attending a training at St. Luke’s Cathedral on Wednesday, June 26, 2024.

ACK Butere diocesan Sunday school coordinator Rev. Jane Orembe has urged Sunday school teachers to adopt the new Sunday Schools’ teaching manual.

Rev. Orembe said the new manual has been improved and it is aimed at improving the learners’ standards.

She reminded all the diocesan Sunday school teachers to liaise with her office to uplift the learners’ education and experience.

“We have improved the teaching manuals so that we can conform with our diocesan vision. I am happy that the manual book together with the register which is retailing at Ksh.850 will assist our children to be disciplined”, she said.

Rev. Orembe who is also the Namasoli deanery Rural Dean also encouraged the male teachers to join the Sunday school ministry so that they can impart knowledge to the young generation.

“We still have a challenge because the number of male Sunday school teachers is still low in our diocese compared to their female counterparts but we are praying that we get more father figures in our children’s ministry.

Speaking after the diocesan Sunday school teachers training at ACK St. Luke’s Cathedral in Butere sub-county, the soft-spoken revealed that the teachers were trained on SWOT analysis to equip the teachers on the current trends.

“We want our teachers to be competent enough and I believe the SWOT analysis topic is key to their performance. I am happy that we have new teachers joining us in the children’s ministry and that is why it is important to have such training”, she added.

She applauded the work done by the teachers saying that the Sunday school numbers have been increasing drastically.

“I am happy to say that since we began giving tea to our Sunday school children, the numbers have been increasing. We are gaining children from other churches who have offered to join the Anglican church because they feel at home. We started the tea and ‘mandazi’ program because we felt that some of our children come from humble backgrounds where tea or porridge is not guaranteed” narrated the Reverend.

The June 26, 2024 half-day training brought together more than 50 from the parishes forming the ACK Butere Diocese and was also attended by the The Very Rev. Moses Omoke, children’s council assistant coordinator Rev. Mary Shikhule, chairperson Rev. Rhoda Isomi, patron Rev. Aggrey Okutoyi and Rev. Justus Swaka among others.