Bishop Rose Challenges Men to Embrace Leadership Roles in Society


Bishop Rose Okeno of the ACK Butere Diocese has called on men to take the lead in ensuring their families are well cared for. She emphasized that men are divinely appointed for leadership roles within families and urged them to demonstrate these qualities.

Speaking at St. Johns ACK Bukolwe parish in Butere sub-county, Bishop Rose commended the Anglican Church men for their unity under the KAMA umbrella, dedicated to spreading God’s ministry worldwide. “KAMA should be supported because it has a bright future. Butere region has been a gospel ministry center for more than 100 years, and there is a need for continuity in God’s mission word,” asserted Bishop Rose.

She also encouraged women to support men in ministry as they strive to become the spiritual leaders of their households. Her sentiments were echoed by KAMA Butere Diocese Chairman Patrick Ambunya.

Ambunya challenged men in the Anglican Church to engage in evangelism and promote God’s ministry, enhancing fellowship. “I have seen many lady teachers in our Sunday school services, and it is important we start seeing male Sunday school teachers,” said Ambunya.

Additionally, the Butere Diocese KAMA Chairman revealed plans to identify a needy child from each deanery of the diocese for educational fee support.

The KAMA rally brought together over 218 members from the deaneries of Shikunga, Shiatsala, and Butere Cathedral. The next rally is scheduled for June 7, 2024, at St. Johns ACK Khwisero parish, and on June 11, 2024, at Inaya.

#Proclaiming, # Renewing, # Discipling