Ash Wednesday is a sacred day for Christians to engage in deep reflection on the teachings of the Bible and to reaffirm their faith in Christ. It is a time for believers to repent for their sins, seek guidance from God, and extend forgiveness to those who have wronged them.
During Ash Wednesday service at the ACK St. Luke’s Cathedral, Reverend Captain Florence Aseka delivered a powerful sermon, drawing inspiration from the book of Joel chapter two. She encouraged Christians to walk the path of forgiveness and to be compassionate towards others, especially those in need.
Captain Florence emphasized the importance of turning their hearts back to Christ, who offers strength and redemption. The service, presided over by The Very Reverend Moses Omoke, Provost of the cathedral, was attended by Diocesan staff and faithful members of the congregation.

The use of ashes as a symbol of repentance serves as a powerful reminder for individuals who are seeking to reconcile with God and make amends for their past transgressions. They should all strive to embody the spirit of forgiveness and compassion as they journey through the Lenten season.