The ACK Mulwanda Bucodet group has been honored with a certificate of recognition for being the top-performing group in the ACK Diocese of Butere. Mulwanda excelled in managing financial matters related to savings and lending among its members.
The Uwezo women’s group achieved the first runner-up position overall, while the Inaya group secured the second runner-up position. This announcement was made during the Butere Community Development Trust celebrations held at St. Luke’s Cathedral on Wednesday, January 29.
Bishop Rose Okeno praised the groups for their dedication to saving through monthly contributions and encouraged the community within the Diocese of Butere to actively participate in this initiative. She emphasized the importance of unity among members for their financial growth.
Furthermore, The Rt. Rev. Okeno advised group leaders to lead with integrity to prevent any trust issues among members. She also pledged to monitor the operations and management of the groups including the Imanga group whose members are believed to have backslided.
Chairperson Roselyne Muleshe of BUCODET reiterated the commitment to revive any groups that may have faced challenges since their establishment.
During the celebrations, Bishop Okeno introduced the newly appointed BUCODET coordinator, Rev. Geoffrey Opembe, urging him to ensure that BUCODET’s activities align with the Diocesan vision statement and positively impact the lives of the community members.