Bishop Rose Okeno ceremoniously inaugurated the rental units at ACK St. John’s Manyala Parish, marking a significant milestone in the congregation’s financial sustainability efforts.
The rental project represents the parish’s proactive approach to diversifying its revenue streams, ensuring the long-term viability of the religious institution while fostering a sense of community and support among its members.
During the opening ceremony, Rt. Rev. Okeno expressed her gratitude to the church members for their dedication to exploring innovative income-generating opportunities in an era where traditional sources of funding for churches are becoming increasingly scarce.
She offered a blessing for the newly opened units and led a prayer for the provision of additional funds to complete the ongoing construction work.
In addition to the inauguration of the rental units, Bishop Okeno took the opportunity to confirm ninety-eight candidates who had chosen to embrace Christ as their guiding light.
She encouraged them to continue their spiritual journey by deepening their understanding of the word of God and committing their lives to the teachings of Christ.
The service on Sunday, December 29, 2024, was led by Buchenya Archdeacon Ven Daniel Inyangala, Shiatsala Deanery Rural Dean Rev. Harrison Etindi, and the host vicar, Rev. Sammy Atsali and also attended by the Salaries and Remunerations commissioner Leonard Ashindu, the area MCA Willis Opuka alias Mayienga among others. The presence of these dignitaries underscored the significance of the occasion and highlighted the unity and strength of the parish community.