
Bishop Rose Okeno led the ACK Diocese of Butere on September 21, 2024, in celebrating the International Day of Peace.

Read her full speech here.

The peace of God be with you all!

Today we join the rest of the world to celebrate the International Day of Peace.

This day has been observed around the world each year on the 21st of September since its establishment in 1981 by the unanimous United Nations resolution 36/37. This day gives a special opportunity to
commemorate and strengthen the ideals of peace.

The theme for this year ‘CULTIVATING A CULTURE OF PEACE’ is a noble call to action. It fits well in our
Diocesan Vision: ‘Envisioning an active and transformed Christian community responding to the needs in society’. This we execute through the proclamation of the gospel, renewing of minds, and discipling. Our core values which include loyalty, transparency and accountability, respect, and love among others, are all geared towards cultivating a culture of peace. Our Diocesan compass verse which is drawn from 1 Corinthians 3:10 emphasizes the importance of carefully building on Christ, the true foundation and source of peace.

Watch ACK Butere Peace Caravan here

Today as we celebrate PEACE, we challenge all of us to embrace the words of David in Psalm 34:14: ‘Turn
from evil and do good; seek peace and pursue it’.

This helps us to be sensitive to the vices that disrupt peace and to shun them. Let us remember the
teachings of Jesus Christ centered on peace and reconciliation, especially at a time when we are
experiencing so much animosity in our country, Kenya. We are reminded of the recent GenZs wake-up call
that challenged us in leadership to offer good governance by being transparent and accountable.
This can only happen if we carefully and intentionally cultivate a culture of peace. We thank God for
this day, which should indeed help us restore the elusive quality of peace. The absence of peace causes
stagnation and destruction. Let us cultivate a culture of peace as a nation.

We thank the African Institute for Contemporary Mission and Research (AICMAR) for planning and
spearheading this great event. We thank those who supported us in one way or another, including Family
Bank and friends who have sent in individual donations.

We welcome you to ACK Diocese of Butere where you will find safe space, especially for survivors of
abuse, we foster a community of peace, love, and unity. Here’s what is happening in our community and
also, how you can get involved.

Advocacy: We have various programs facilitated by both the African Institute for Contemporary Mission
and Research (AICMAR) together with Women, Men, Youth, and Children’s ministries in the Diocese,
particularly focusing on:
I. Gender-based violence
II. Teenage pregnancies
IV. Insecurity
V. Lawlessness …among others.

The escalating incidences of femicide and violence against women in our country are alarming and very
worrying. Sadly, many women continue dying under very devastating circumstances. Not many of
them are reported. We recall, with deep sorrow, the killing of Rebecca Cheptegei this September—not
forgetting also Agnes Tirop and Damaris Mutua—all Olympic athletes, among many others. We challenge
our government to ensure a peaceful environment that safeguards life, especially for girls and women.
We are conscious of the general parental and societal neglect of children, and the threat of religious
fanaticism as seen in the Shakahola case. We therefore encourage parents to be responsible and sensitive
to such vices.
We are committed to serving our local community. Our outreach programmes focus on conflict resolution, helping families in need, and promoting dialogue among different community groups. If you’d like to programs volunteer, please sign up at the AICMAR office.

Click here to watch Butere Girls High School Music Band during the ACK Peace Caravan

Prayer Groups
Join our weekly prayer meetings at St. Luke’s Cathedral every Wednesday at 4 pm, where we pray for
peace in our community and in the world. We believe that prayer can transform hearts and foster
understanding among people.

Educational Workshops
We offer workshops on conflict resolution, effective communication, and community building. These
sessions aim to equip our members with tools to promote peace in their homes and neighborhoods.
Keep in touch about our upcoming schedule.

Get Involved
We invite all members to participate in our peace initiatives. Whether through volunteering, attending
events, or by simply spreading kindness in your daily interactions. Every effort counts. We urge you to
seek and pursue peace! Psalm 34:14

Watch The Very Rev. Moses Omoke read UN SG’s Speech

Stay Connected
Follow us on social media for updates on events and activities. In addition, we invite you to join and
subscribe to our GGTV channel on YouTube. Here we bring a voice on emerging issues. For example,
the recent rampant insecurity in our area, as well as engaging with opinion leaders to offer sanity and a
peaceful environment. Please stay in the loop and share your ideas on promoting peace in our
As we strive for peace in the church and the entire community, let us be reminded of Matthew 5:9: ‘Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.’
Together, we can make a difference!

Right Rev. Rose Okeno
Diocesan Bishop

Watch Bishop’s speech here…