Masaba Mixed Secondary School Principal Mrs. Rose Luvembe and ACK Masaba Parish Vicar Rev. Washington Amutashi are joined by school teachers and students to pose for a photo after the commissioning service of Water well funded by Ibrahim and Ayse Algul through Omeriye foundation on Tuesday, September 10, 2024.

Omeriye Foundation has commissioned a water well at Masaba Mixed Secondary School in Butere Sub-county.

Through its Westen Kenya coordinator Ramadhan Mohammed, the foundation said that the project that started four months ago is ready for use and will ease the burden of the school buying water.

Speaking to GGTV after commissioning the project at the school grounds, Ramadhan urged the students to utilize the nine-tap outlet to serve them for a long time while thanking the school administration for their cooperation during the building of the project.

The school’s principal Rose Luvembe thanked the project funders Ibrahim and Ayse Algul through the Omeriye Foundation for their generous support to the school which will go a long way in keeping the students in class as they will avoid running to the stream to fetch water.

She added that the school had spent more money on buying water, a problem that seems to be solved going forward.

The water project will serve more than 300 students in the secondary school as the primary school side awaits the commission of their water project, which is built on the same foundation.

The commissioning service was presided over by the ACK Masaba parish vicar Rev. Washington Amutashi who said the project is timely as the students can concentrate on their studies without worrying about rushing to the stream for water.

He urged other well-wishers to come on board and assist the young institution in development.