Namasoli Rural Dean Rev. Jane Orembe (left) hands over furniture to Mundeku Polytechnic principal Priscah Were (right) on Tuesday June 25, 2024 at the Polytechnic’s ground.

Mundeku Polytechnic principal Priscah Were has applauded ACK St. Stephen’s Namasoli for their donation of equipment to the institution.

Mrs. Were said the donation of chairs, tables, and barbed wire for the fence is a sign of leadership and encouragement applauding the sponsor for their generous act.

Speaking during the handover of the equipment at the institution, the principal said the chairs and tables will assist the students whose admission number has been rising.

“I am extremely happy; I feel weightless and I feel like I am swimming in God’s love. The life around me that has been created by the church is soft and friendly. I am grateful for your contribution and may you not lack but instead acquire more”, expressed Mrs. Were.

The Mundeku Polytechnic trainees join their principal Priscah Were and Rev. Jane Orembe in receiving the donation from ACK Namasoli parish.

The donation by the church was delivered to the school by Namasoli’s Rural Dean Rev. Jane Orembe who thanked the polytechnic’s tutors for their acceptance to assist the students acquire technical knowledge despite the financial challenges.

“As ACK church led by our Butere diocesan bishop Rose Okeno, we would like to extend our appreciation to you the principal, and your staff for accepting to impart knowledge to our students. You have sacrificed to come from far to assist our community and we don’t take that for granted. We will continue praying for you as we encourage the stakeholders to assist grow”, said Rev. Orembe.

Rev. Orembe also acknowledged the high discipline of the students saying it is a sign of raising important members of the society for future generations.

“What I have seen here is in line with our diocesan vision of having an active and transformed Christian community that is ready to respond to the needs in the society”, said the Rural Dean.

The Tuesday morning event of June 25 2024 took less than one hour where 38 chairs and tables from Namasoli ACK church were delivered including two barbed wires.

“The polytechnic sits on 0.6 hectares of land but unfortunately, we have lost some land due to the railway line reserve. We need to improve the security of our institution and I trust we shall fence the area for our property to be securely confined”, lamented Mrs. Were.

The principal also called on the members of the community to be on the frontline of safeguarding the school’s property.

“We are requesting the community to help us keep safe the institution’s property because it is meant to assist their students acquire knowledge. Our shed that was being used by our students was vandalized and we fear that our water tank is targeted. This is killing us”, complained Mrs. Were.

The computer wizard principal called on other stakeholders to assist in the growth of the institution because it will benefit the community.

“The most unfortunate thing is that we have some lessons with no practicals which makes learning boring to students. I teach computers but we don’t even have a single desktop in school. Some of our classrooms lack blackboards. We are also in need of a live vehicle for our Motor Vehicle mechanic students.

Rev. Jane Orembe pose for a photo together with Mundeku Polytechnic teaching staff.

Butere Diocesan News Team had a spot check around the tiny compound with no administration block and discovered that there are few lavatories which has forced the teachers to share with students some of the available toilets. One of the two blocks in the compound being used as classrooms is in a dilapidated state with urgent need of renovations to serve the growing number of students.

According to the principal, the institution is almost closing the 2023/24 financial year without capitation.

Mundeku Polytechnic which was established in 2015 with only two training courses has currently 157 trainees taking part in the courses of Motor Vehicle Mechanics, Fashion Design and garment making, Hair Dressing and Beauty Therapy, Electrical and Electronics, Building Construction Technology, and ICT.