Pinnacle of Reverence: Bishop Rose Ordains Ten, Rt. Revd Dr Joshua Ouma Owiti Inspires with Words of Wisdom.


St. Luke’s Cathedral, a sanctuary of sacred reverence, bore witness to a momentous and transformative ordination service that would forever mark the emergence of new spiritual leaders. The historic cathedral, its walls echoing with centuries of devotion, stood adorned in a radiant aura, serving as the hallowed stage for an extraordinary event—a procession that commenced its stately journey from the African Institute for Contemporary Mission and Research Library. This procession, a symphony of purpose and devotion, culminated in the profound ordination of nine priests and one deacon, under the guidance of the esteemed Rt. Revd Rose Okeno.

The very air seemed charged with anticipation as the procession moved through the streets with regal grace, their vibrant robes and the reverent hush that accompanied their advance captivating the attention of passersby. Within the cathedral’s sacred embrace, an air of grandeur enveloped the space, a palpable reminder of the imminent holy rite that was about to unfold.

Over five hundred faithful souls from across the diocese congregated, a mosaic of devotion, to bear witness as Bishop Rose Okeno presided over the ordination ceremony. Her composed demeanor, a reflection of her spiritual legacy, resonated with a profound sense of leadership. A voice that carried both authority and compassion, Bishop Rose’s words inspired unwavering attention and devotion. With every step of the ceremony, she conferred the ancient sacrament upon the deserving candidates, her hands symbolizing the weight of history and faith borne through generations.

Yet, it was the sermon delivered by the revered Rt. Reverend Doctor Joshua Owiti Ouma, the esteemed bishop of the Diocese of Maseno East, that reverberated through the hearts and minds of all in attendance. Drawing inspiration from the verses of John 21: 15-17, Bishop Owiti issued a heartfelt entreaty to the ordinands, urging them to embrace their profound role as shepherds of the faithful, entrusted with the solemn duty of nurturing the very flock of Christ. His words, crafted with a deep sense of purpose, echoed like a clarion call, imploring the newly ordained to not merely recite but to embody the teachings they professed.

The bishop’s message wasn’t confined to the ears of the ordinands alone; it rippled through the congregation, weaving them into a tapestry of shared purpose. A symphony of insight and passion, his words rekindled dedication and ignited dormant flames of fervor. Bishop Owiti’s wisdom, like a lantern in the darkness, extended its illumination beyond the ordinands to encompass all clergy present, reminding them of the sacred path to spiritual authority: “Respect authority, to serve authority, and authority shall be given to you.”

As the final notes of the service hung in the air, it left an indelible mark on those fortunate enough to bear witness. Attendees slowly dispersed, each carrying with them the reverberations of Bishop Owiti’s words, a guiding light to illuminate their spiritual paths.

The memory of the ordination service at St. Luke’s Cathedral, this tapestry woven with faith, mentorship, and tradition, shall persist as an enduring testament. It speaks not only of that single sacred event but of the unbroken thread that links generations through faith. With newly ordained priests and a deacon poised to embrace their roles, and a congregation ignited by the flame of wisdom, St. Luke’s Cathedral stands as a luminous symbol of hope and transformation in the very heart of Butere. A pinnacle of reverence, indeed.